
Our Clients Experiences


From the time I found out I was pregnant with my third, I knew I wanted a home birth. My first had been a typical hospital, induced, epidural birth, and I walked away from it having an uncanny feeling that I had just “lucked out” without needing a C-section. My second was born in a hospital birth center with midwives and everything went great but I still detested the post-partum period and the mandatory 24 hour stay after delivery. So, with Judah, I knew that I wanted a homebirth. We contacted Brittany and she promptly set up a “meet and great”, and from that time on I knew she was the perfect midwife for us. I believe she would help me be able to have the perfect homebirth that I had so desired.

When the time of labor came, I had contacted her a few different times throughout the day because things seemed off, and she was constantly there to reassure me.  (I normally go to about 42 weeks, but Brittany had warned us that there’s a longstanding joke that third babies are a “wildcard” which turned out to be true). At 10:45 p.m. (the day before my due date) my water broke, but my contractions were still very irregular, I called her and let her know and said I was going to take a shower and call her back afterwards to let her know what the time between contractions were. To her great credit, she listened to me during a contraction and without me telling her, decided to head over anyways, knowing my history of short births and by just listening to me, despite the fact that my contractions were still ranging wildly.

By the time I was out of the shower and semi-dressed she was there and shortly after, her birth assistant. Very shortly after, I started pushing, but I never had to tell Brittany I was, she was so in tune with my body that she knew before anyone else and got me in a comfortable position.

Judah’s birth was more difficult for me than my previous natural birth and I had a hard time, but Brittany knew exactly when to be quite or quietly reassure me. I cannot imagine a more perfect midwife-I truly believe God sent her to me to help make sure we had a perfect birth experience.

All our love and admiration,

Sean, Alexa & baby Judah

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